We’re Here To Take Care Of Your Trees!
In today’s modern world, time seems to be in short supply. There are several things we know we need to take care of, but more often than not, the non-critical tasks end up getting “bumped” to another day, which turns into another month… and eventually, “it will just have to get done next year”. Did you know that Urban / Neighborhood Trees need to be pruned once to twice per year (deadwood and live-growth pruning), especially in their formative early years, to ensure long and healthy lives? As such, urban tree care is one of those things that tends to suffer from “necessary procrastination”. It’s not that you don’t want to take care of your trees, it’s just that most people don’t have the spare time to invest in learning what they need, researching a qualified service provider, and keeping up with call-backs and scheduling for seasonal maintenance.
That’s why Muskogee Tree has decided to develop AMP, our Annual Maintenance Pruning Service. We’re rolling it out in 2020 and we’re offering it to our established customers at a discount, in the hopes that we can work together to fine-tune the program to better meet your needs. If you’re interested in more information about how the Program will work, what it will cost, or if you’d like to get on board right away, fill out the form on this page and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!
We are truly excited to begin venturing into the world of Plant Health Care (PHC) by taking these first baby-steps, and we can’t wait to work together with our customers to make this program the best it can be!